Exploring together

The mission begins!

BepiColombo Mission

BepiColombo is Europe’s first mission to Mercury. It is actually a join adventure between ESA (the European Space Agency) and JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency). ESA is building the MPO (Mercury Planetary Orbiter) while JAXA is in charged of the MMO (Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter). Both satellites will be carried to Mercury by the MTM (Mercury Transfer Module), which on October 20, 2018, will be launched by an Ariane 5 rocket from the French Guiana, beginning its seven year journey through the Solar System.

Mercury has only been visited by human-made spacecrafts twice. It is by far the least explored planet in the inner Solar System, which means there is still a lot to be revealed. When it reaches Mercury in late 2025, BepiColombo will hopefully gather data during its 1-year nominal mission or more, providing the best understanding of Mercury to date. Among other things, it will study and understand the composition, geophysics, atmosphere, magnetosphere and history of the first planet in our Solar System.

The BepiColombo mission is anything but a walk in the park. Mercury is difficult to reach because a spacecraft must lose a lot of energy to fall towards the planet from the Earth. Once in Mercury, the Sun’s enormous gravity presents a challenge in placing a spacecraft into a stable orbit. And even if BepiColombo successfully reaches its final orbit, it must endure temperatures in excess of 350 °C and extremely high radiation doses. But if everything works as planned, the reward is giant. The MMO and MPO will explore Mercury as never before, providing highly valuable data that for decades will lead to new discoveries about Mercury and our Solar System.

Next Earth Flyby








About The Game

BepiColombo The Game © is a Nubalo Studios S.L. original video game about ESA’s BepiColombo Mission. Users may choose their favourite between arcade or story mode and begin their own adventure in the space industry. The arcade mode comprises several addictive minigames that represent different stages of the mission. Each one of them shows real data about the spacecraft, about Mercury, or about any other part of the mission, and they will all challenge the player to get a higher score each time he tries. On the other hand, the story mode, which will also include the arcades, gives you control over Astronaut Lili, who must oversee the BepiColombo project from its very beginning until the end of the mission, making vital decisions and taking part in all its stages. Doesn’t matter which mode you prefer, the objective will always be the mission success, and while you keep trying to get a higher score in the arcades or a better result in the story, you will be having fun and learning without even noticing. Give it a try!

Learn about Bepicolombo while playing with these arcades

Building and testing the satellite

You will be involved in the mission from the very beginning, designing the satellites from scratch and testing them in ESA’s & JAXA’s facilities.  Before the launch, you’ll be in charge of assembling the whole spacecraft and doing the final checks. 

Launch the Ariane 5

Arianespace’s rocket Ariane 5 will launch BepiColombo from the French Guiana. Can you control the rocket through its ascent to the sky?

Control the orbit path to Mercury

From ESOC, you will have to control BepiColombo’s orbit, prepare all the flybys. and protect the spacecraft against unforeseen events.

Do science with the obtained data

Once BepiColombo is in orbit, you will receive lots of information from its scientific instruments. Now your goal is to use these data to investigate Mercury from ESAC and other locations.


Lili is a female astronaut. She helps many space agencies around the globe building and certifying spacecraft to guarantee the success of every space mission launched by the human-kind. Her new goal is to supervise BepiColombo’s ten-year mission. With her help, BepiColombo should be successfully designed, built, and launched; and it must arrive at Mercury and develop its investigations as scheduled.

The players of BepiColombo The Game will take control over Astronaut Lili, helping her throughout the whole mission, visiting different space agencies and looking for solutions to all the problems together with the engineers, technicians and researchers.

Her final objective in this global collaborative mission is to achieve a better understanding of the nearest planet to our Sun, Mercury.

This FREE game is available in the following platforms (coming soon)

PC / Mac



The game needs some months of design and development (it is completed at 60%), we are doing it free among other projects and maybe we can finish the game before the arrival date of Bepicolombo to Mercury in 2025 (contact us through SpaceRobotics.EU to support and finalize this project during this year).